Author: Maria Ellyton


At the end of November last year, Wibotec moved from their headquarters in Silkeborg to our headquarters in Brabrand. The move-in went smoothly and right from the start there has been great synergy. As with Triscan, Wibotec prospers with a large customer intake and interesting projects in the pipeline.  

Sales growth across the board
On the sales side, Wibotec can note progress in both national and international sales. Several interesting projects are being worked on, for which the veil cannot be lifted yet. Especially in relation to international sales, it has been a great advantage right from the start to have the support of Triscan’s sales organization. The physical proximity has strengthened the relationship further – and when it makes sense – made it extra easy to include Wibotec in Triscan’s customer visits.

Extra resources for marketing
Since Triscan became co-owner of Wibotec back in 2021, Triscan’s marketing department has performed many of the tasks associated with marketing. With the increased activity, it has been necessary to add more resources. Maria Ellyton has been hired in a part-time position where she primarily works with Wibotec-related tasks.

Marketing Assistant, Maria Ellyton, Wibotec A/S

Purchasing improvements in several areas 
As on the sales side, physical proximity has also had a positive impact on the purchasing side. Through the collaboration with Triscan’s product and purchasing department, Wibotec has achieved good results. Not only purchase savings have been achieved, but also product and quality improvements that ultimately benefit users. 

Greater flexibility in production
Several of Wibotec’s products – including the various kits for repair – are assembled by Wibotec’s own employees. When capacity is not sufficient, help is usually available from Triscan’s production unit and its employees, who are located right next to Wibotec’s production facilities.  

Production, Wibotec A/S

Academy for both traditional and online teaching
In addition to taking over the showroom, which was designed for Wibotec’s products at Triscan, a classroom has also been set up. The room is designed in such a way that it is suitable for both traditional and online teaching.  


At Automechanika 2024 in Frankfurt, Wibotec showcased the latest technological breakthroughs. New CobraXpro systems for both glass repair and window replacement have been developed, which ensure that Wibotec holds on to the yellow jersey in terms of technology and user-friendliness. 

Glass repair
The big news in glass repair is our brand new automatic pressure/vacuum pump (K4200I-3). Furthermore, the so-called supplement kits have been added, which make it easy for all users of CobraXpro repair systems to expand/update the kits with the latest technology

CobraXpro K4200I-3, automatic pressure/vacuum pump

The automatic pressure/vacuum pump is rechargeable – just like our three versions of the repair bridges and drills. All sets are therefore fully mobile and only require power when charging. The automatic pressure/vacuum pump switches in a 6-minute process between applying 2 bar pressure followed by vacuum. With this method, you ensure both optimal filling, but also extraction of any air bubbles in the stone chipWatch our video with the automatic pump here…

Both pressure and vacuum can also be applied manually – and all sets still include our design-protected pressure and vacuum piston along with a syringe

CobraXpro K4208-1, pressure and vacuum piston along with a syringe

All major systems have for some time been delivered in our new suitcase with a removable insert. The insert, which contains all the necessary tools and consumables to perform stone chip repairs, can be easily placed on a vehicle’s windshield or bonnet. On the back, the insert is equipped with suction cups so that it cannot slip off the window or scratch the body paint.

CobraXpro 3012, suitcase with a removable insert 

Window replacement
There is also exciting news in the field of window replacement. We have succeeded in improving our cut-out K4500C-1B in several areas. The new K4500C-2B has larger guide wheels added to the cutting line and an adjustment option with two advantages. Larger guide wheels result in a larger contact surface and thus relief of the cutting wire. The diameter of the wheels has been increased from 17 to 30 mm, which has almost doubled the surface for possible relief of the cutting wire.

CobraXpro K4500C-2B, improved cut-out

With the new adjustment option, it has become easier to achieve the best possible position of the guide wheels in relation to window corners, so that the angle of the cutting wire is optimal. In addition, if space is limited, the adjustment option can be used to ensure smooth switching on of the screwdriver without having to move the cutter/cut-outWatch our video with the new cot-out here…

The website and CobraXpro Academy
The website has been optimized in a wide range of areas. We have both changed the way you navigate around the site, but also added extended product information on products where relevant. 

At the same time, we have launched our CobraXpro Academy, where registration takes place via the website. Our CobraXpro Academy is for you who need help with our systems – as well as you who are just curious about what is going on within the framework of CobraXpro. As a member of our CobraXpro Academy, you get access to:

  • Training videos
  • Step by step guides
  • Newsletter
  • Online Customer Support

You can sign up here…


Ronnie Maryon has taken over the overall responsibility for sales at Wibotec, with the title of CSO (Chief Sales Officer). The 51-year-old Aarhusians career in the Danish auto industry started back in 1994, when the trade and office trained Ronnie Maryon started as a driver at a car parts wholesaler in Skanderborg, which was soon after sold to FTZ Autodele & Værktøj A/S. 

Within a year’s time, the driver role was replaced with a job in customer support/telesales – and since then the promotions have been lining up and eventually landed him the position  of COO (Chief Operational Officer) at FTZ in 2019. With over 20 years of experience from FTZ, Ronnie Maryon most
recently took up a position as COO at NDI A/S but is now ready for new challenges at Wibotec. 

“We are very pleased that we managed to get Ronnie on board Wibotec. He brings knowledge, experience and insight that can make a huge difference for us in the further development of Wibotec” – Claus Grøndal, CTO, Wibotec.

Ronnie Maryon has not previously worked in a company with its own product development and production but knows the customer segment – distributors and professional users – very well from his previous jobs. Claus Grøndal will continue to be in charge of sales in Denmark, whereas
export sales will be handled in collaboration between Anders Sørensen, CEO of Wibotec and Ronnie Maryon. In addition to adding resources to the sales work, the new constellation also helps to free up resources for further development of concepts and products, among other things.

“I see great potential in Wibotec and will contribute to the work of optimizing and streamlining the sales processes. At the same time, I will put
further focus on exports together with Anders Sørensen” – Ronnie Maryon, CSO, Wibotec. 

Privately, Ronnie Maryon lives in Aarhus with his wife and together they have two sons. 

Ronnie Maryon can be contacted at:

+45 40 38 18 78 

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