Private label


Wibotec/CobraXpro in private label brand

Produktsortimentet tilbydes også i private label til grossister på det automotive eftermarkedet. Ud over den obligatoriske træning og coaching af grossistens personale tilbyder vi også markedsføring
materiale, så du som grossist kommer afsted til en god og hurtig start f.eks:

• Brochurer
• Demonstrationsvideoer
• Hjemmeside setup med kundesupport funktion
• Stenslagsplastre med kontaktinformation

2022 Catalog

Our line-up contains tools, accessories and all other materials for the professional autoglass company. All our products are developed, designed and tested by specialists! This is your guarantee for approved, high-quality products.



Do you have a strong brand? Do you have loyal customers? If so private labeling could be the way to go. We pride ourselves on having a comparatively low minimum order quantity.  

Contact us today

Give us a call

+45 87 25 11 20

Write to us on WhatsApp

Anders: +45 29 68 13 81
Claus: +45 40 40 66 10
Ronnie: +45 40 38 18 78

Or send us an email

See our guides

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